Catalysis Research Group

Clean Fuels

We study the catalysts and processes that produce fuels, chemicals, and power. Current projects include producing hydrogen, methanol, ammonia, and intermediates like syngas and olefins.

Using our background in chemical engineering, chemistry, reaction engineering, and materials science, we design materials and processes. Experimental and theoretical techniques are used in combination with characterization and synthesis.

We use our understanding to develop new catalysts to enable new processes.

Meet the Team


Assistant Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering, UBC

Postdoc, Stanford University
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
B.Eng., McGill University

C-Zero, Carbon Sciences, Kimberly-Clark, and various consulting roles

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Postdoctoral researchers

Sonit Balyan

Postdoctoral researcher (2023-current)

Methane pyrolysis & inductive heating

Prior education
PhD, IIT Delhi
Masters, IIT Guwahati

Graduate Students

Mark Tabbara

PhD Student (2020-current)

Molten metal catalysts for oxidative dehydrogenation

Prior education:
BASc, University of Waterloo
MASc, University of Waterloo

Genpei Cai

PhD Student (2020-current)

CO2 reforming catalyst development

Prior education

Natascha Miederhoff

PhD Student (2023-current)

Carbon fiber synthesis

Prior education:
BASc, Technical University of Munich
MASc, Technical University of Munich

Michael Byun

MASc Student (2022-current)

High temperature hydrogen membranes

Prior education:

Sawyer d’Entremont

MASc Student (2023-current)

Carbon fiber synthesis

Prior education:
BASc, University of Waterloo

Rami Jubeili

MASc Student

Ammonia decomposition

Prior education:

Wyatt Schnare

MASc Student (2024-current)

Methane Pyrolysis

Prior education:

Visiting and Undergraduate Students

Maryam Buraimoh

UBC Undergraduate Researcher (2024-current)

Carbon fiber production

Shafin Khan

UBC Undergraduate Researcher (2023-current)

Chemisorption on molten surfaces

Justyna Podmokly

Visiting Master’s student, Sorbonne University

Carbon fiber production

Harsh Singh

UBC Undergraduate Researcher

Hydrogen permeation

Alumni Members

Hugo Dignoes

M.Eng Student (2022-2024)

Techno-economic analysis of propane oxidative dehydrogenation


Markus Pfeiffer

Visiting Master’s student, Technical University of Munich (2023)

Prior education:
BASc, Technical University of Munich

Current: MASc TU Munich

Nicole Chen

UBC Undergraduate Researcher


Harshita Jain

Visiting student, IIT Delhi


Nicole Koers

Visiting Student, University of Groningen (2022)

Current: MASc, University of Grongen

Karl Koerber

Visiting Student, Hochschule Kempten


Karsten Feigl

Visiting Master’s student, Technical University of Munich (2021-2022)

Current: BMW

Ella Zhou

UBC Undergraduate Researcher (2022)

Chris Zong

Research Associate (2021-2022)

M.Eng. Student (2020-2021)

Current: PhD at University of Oxford

Pia Kneidel, Visiting student, Technical University of Munich, 2023

Natascha Miederhoff, Visiting student, Technical University of Munich, 2022

Korbinian Lechner, Visiting student, Technical University of Munich, 2022

Sarah Chfira, Visiting student, Universite de Techologie Compiegne, 2022

Stephan Popp, Visiting student, RWTH Aachen University, 2022-2023

Michael Mirkes, Visiting student, Technical University of Munich, 2022-2023


For a complete list of publications, please see Google Scholar.


We are actively seeking future postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, visiting students, and undergraduate students. Please:

  1. Send your CV to Please provide the following information:  degree program and university, graduation year, GPA, class rank, desired start date, research summary, and future research plans (for postdocs).
  2. Please also apply through UBC Graduate School.

All graduate students are financially supported by either PI’s research funds or scholarships. Students holding major scholarships (e.g. NSERC) or other confirmed funding sources, are more likely to be accepted and should indicate this in their communication. Scholarship holders are also provided with an additional top-up from PI’s research funds.

Funding Opportunities for Postdocs

Funding Opportunities for Graduate Students

Funding Opportunities for Undergraduate Students

(604) 827-5563
CHBE 429